DV4mini New Raspberry Pi 3 Image

The DV4mini software developers have been hard at work fixing bugs, especially with DMR, and making things work better. So, I thought it time to create a new DV4mini RPi image for your enjoyment. I first built my own image last year when I wanted to have turnkey vnc access to my DV4mini/RPi system.


This build no longer contains the unsupported DV4MF2 software. Rather, it has the most recent version of the DV4mini dashboard (201.77), the updated dv_serial (20170106) and my add on Brandmeister XTG Dialer. If you haven’t used the XTG dialer before, you’re in for a treat. It works great with a touchscreen display, but just fine with a keyboard and a mouse too. You might need to edit a couple of text files to set it up to your liking. For details, see /opt/dv4mini/bmxtg/README once you have the distro up and running.

Important default password info follows.

root / raspberry
pi / dv4m

vncviewer – dv4m

You SHOULD change the default passwords after you get things going. The standard unix passwd command is used to change the root and pi passwords. To change the vnc password, use x11vnc -storepasswd.

DV4mini RPi image

Brandmeister XTG Dialer


  1. Anonymous5/03/2017

    It’s not possible to edit a legend for the screen type?

    you could take a look at the /boot/config.txt file. Look for the line “hdmi_mode=23”. You could set it to a value that works best for your screen size. Possible values may be found. http://elinux.org/RPiconfig

  2. Hi, I am using the AMBE stick, is there any chance this will work through Pi Mic/Speaker?


  3. Is there any chance the AMBE stick could work with Pi Mic/Speaker Setup?


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