Versions, Installation and Notes regarding DVmini.exe, DVserial and DV4MF2
Versions, installation and notes regarding DVmini, DVserial and DV4MF2
It is important to know what each one of these three applications do.
DVmini.exe and DV4MF2.exe are two control panels that do pretty much the same thing but have different authors. They both run on Windows or the Pi. When run on the Pi, however, they both run with “Mono” which is a Windows emulator.
DV_serial, on the other hand, is a different application for both Windows and the Pi. The DV_serial for Windows will not work on the Pi and the Pi version will not work with Windows.
The most current Windows DV4mini control panel and dv_serial “beta” (see note *** below) version applications are found at:
Also read the information on regarding installation of additional Windows specific applications.
“”””“Windows users: please install:
on 32 bit Windows PCs: select the 32 bit version (vc_redist.x86.exe)
on 64 bit Windows PCs: select the 32 AND the 64 bit Version (vc_redist.x86.exe und vc_redist.x64.exe)””””””
The most current Linux DVmini control panel and dv_serial “beta” version applications are found at:
Installation of the two files is normally put in a folder, DVMINI, at /home/pi/.
You don’t need a special image... just create the DVmini folder and put the files there and place a DVmini.exe shortcut on the desktop.
The most current DV4MF2 control panel is found at: Download the DV4MF2.exe file and place it in the DVmini folder along with dvmini.exe and dv_serial. This control panel file may be used with either Windows or Linux. Place a shortcut to DV4MF2.exe on your desktop to start this control panel.
Note: if you have used the February Windows release of dv_serial located in the folder at: you may get a dialog box when starting DV4MF2 with Windows indicating that you should use an earlier version of dv_serial. The February release is not fully compatible with the DV4MF2 control panel application.
C4FM users please note that FCS002 reflector will only work correctly with the Windows version. FCS002 is not yet working with the Linux version. The Windows version of dv_serial has been updated to work with FCS002 but the Linux version has not. The authors have the Linux version upgrade on their list but do not have a release date.
Note *** In case you missed this notice the authors of dvmini software placed this note on web page
Latest test versions for beta testers.
ATTENTION: these version may have any kind of problems. Only recommended for experienced computer specialists, No support !
Hope this helps, however, I am not part of the development team and I may have presented something incorrectly or out of context. Also, if you have something you think is important to add please pass it along so I can include it.
Yes I understand he is trying to sell his product.
obsolete *** out of date ***
Hello I am running beta version of software that was an auto update to previous. Device is a Nano Node-DV from site. after update when DV4mini software is started a second window opens saying to update DV_Serial to use all functions. I have reached out to Mark with no reply yet, just figured to ask around also. Software runns but is slow and laggy. And have not been able to communicate over software, it shows connection to nodes but is not allowing HT to transmit and any received transmission is notion but heavy feedback.