We have created an Raspberry PI Raspian SDcard image for the PI2 and 3 containing both the DV4Mini abd DV4Mini Compact software. This image will boot up only with a Waveshare LCD TFT screen as seen here:
It requires an 8GB or greater SD card. Will only work on the Raspberry PI3 and Pi2. Use 7Zip software to decompress and either Win32DiskImager to copy the bootable image to an SD card.
You can download the image from here: http://latinovoip.net/dv4mini/dv4mini_combined_LCD35TFT.7z
The original DV4Mini can be found here: http://dv4m.ham-dmr.ch/. Once you download, copy the image, and boot it up. don’t forget to expand the SD card. To do that:
Log in as user pi/raspberry via SSH or in LXE terminal. At the prompt, type:
sudo raspi-config
In the config, perform the following:
Expand the filesystem to fill the SD card
Set your locale, timezone, and keyboard for your location to en-US-UTF8 (this has already been done)
It will boot to the TFT screen, not the HDMI monitor.
If you want to switch to an HDMI monitir, use the terminal or SSH to it, login as pi/raspberry, and do this:
cd LCD-show/
It will reboot and show on HDMI monitor. Do this to switch back to LCD:
cd LCD-show/
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