DMR-MARC made an important annoucnement that it can now support for the DV4mini USB dongle. Through a partnership with the DMRPlus network, DMR-MARC is now able to support DV4mini users through the addition of three new DMR-MARC talkgroups, which incliude:
DMRPlus USA (talkgroup # 133)
DMRPlus UK (talkgroup # 143)
DMRPlus South Pacific (talkgroup # 153)
These new talkgroups will allow interconnection between the DMR-MARC and DMRPlus networks using timeslot 1 and will configured as “on-demand”, which can be enabled using the PTT and will have a 10-minute inactivity timeout on the eight core DMR-MARC bridges. DMR-MARC also announced that in the coming months, it is planning to launch additional interconnected talkgroups, including three German language talkgroups, a French language talkgroup, and a Spanish language talkgroup as well.
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What about Canada