DV4mini working on the Pi2 B

I have had success getting the DV4mini working on the Pi2 B by doing the following items.

1.  The below link give you very good instructions for downloading and putting the image on an SD card.   I found the DVmini application would work to a point but was still not fully functional.  On to step two.

2.  Next, from the Pi2 browser go to the link described by Stef, DL1BH:

i hope this is, what you are looking for,

Stef., DL 1 BH-developmet team DMRplus and DV4mini-

At the bottom of the page there are links…. In the Linux/ARM section download both the DV4mini.exe and DV-serial to the Pi download folder.   While you are there you can also download (from the Firmware folder) the 1.64 firmware to the Pi root download folder.

For non linux people things get a little strange here.   What you need to do now is move the two existing dv4mini.exe and dv-serial that are in the DEV4mini folder to the Archive folder. Assuming you are working direct on the Pi and not via a VNC connection….. If you go to the Files on the Pi2 and attempt to move the two files I found that I did not have permission to move them.

So, as mentioned in the PDF file by Pascal, VA2PV, enter the Pi via the running TightVNC server and it appears you will be in a “root” mode which will allow you to move the two files in /home/pi/dv4mini to the Archive folder within the dv4mini folder.    Now go back to the Download folder in Root and copy the new files, DV4mini and DV-serial, and paste them into the DV4mini folder.  (A knowledgeable linux guy could do the move via command line instructions.)

At this point I would shut down the Pi and insert the DV4mini dongle.  Restart the PI.  You may get by with inserting the dongle and doing a simple sudo reboot but I did not try that…….

Once the Pi has restarted, Click the DV4Mini icon to start the application.    I did not have a CSS7 number so that and the callsign will remain red until you register for the CSS7 number.  After you register you will receive an email with your CSS7 number which you can plug into the running DV4mini application.   The number will remain red (mine is still red) for a few days until the databases update.

My DV4mini dongle was recognized in just a few seconds and, after adjusting power, clicking on C4FM I was off to listen to the FCS001-6 reflector and do some testing.   Things were not working quite right so poking around in the Expert section I put in a Static IP address and my call into the repeater section.  I did not click on the repeater gateway however.   I don’t know if these last two thing “really” fixed anything but things started to work correctly at this point.

I have no solution for the “searching for dongle” issue as I did not experience this problem.   I had an issue with the keyboard being a UK rather than a US keyboard.  It took some time to get into the “default keyboard” settings to adjust this.  I found the UK keyboard had the hyphen on the forward slash key (along with other weirdness and made using the terminal and command line stuff almost impossible.

There may be easier ways of getting this done but the above process worked for me.

Hope this helps someone…. your milage may vary.
Sequim, WA

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